Mission and Vision
The Mission and Vision statements embody Barton's dedication to education and its constituents.
Institutional Effectiveness
Strategic planning at Barton Community College is an ongoing effort to anticipate, predict and align future activities and provide a framework to advance the College’s vision, mission and goals. Learn more about institutional effectiveness at Barton.
Accreditation and Certification
Barton Community College is accredited by Open Pathway who requires the institution to 1) meet threshold standards and 2) is engaged in continuous improvement. All Commission Pathways require: annual filing of the Institutional Update, annual monitoring of financial and non-financial indicators, and adherence to Commission policies and practices on institutional change. Information on Open Pathway can be located on the Accreditation and Certification site.
Charge to Students, Faculty, and Administration
Attendance at a tax-supported institution of postsecondary education is not compulsory, so it must be considered to be optional and voluntary. By voluntary attendance at this institution, you assume the obligations of performance and behavior reasonably imposed by the rules and regulations of Barton County Community College relevant to... read more
Notice of Non-discrimination
Barton Community College adheres to all federal, state, and local civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination in employment and education. Barton Community College does not discriminate in its admissions practices [except as permitted by law], in its employment practices, or in its educational programs or activities on the basis of sex/gender, race, color, national origin, disability or any other protected classes enumerated in Policy 1132. Any person having inquiries concerning Barton County Community College’s non-discrimination compliance policy, including the application of Equal Opportunity Employment, Titles IV, VI, VII, IX, Section 504 and the implementing regulations, is directed to contact Barton’s Title IX Coordinator, Cheryl Brown, Title IX Coordinator, 245 NE 30 Road, Great Bend, KS 67530, (620) 786-7441, titleix@bartonccc.edu or brownc@bartonccc.edu. Visit equal.bartonccc.edu for more information.
Drug-Free Workplace, Schools, Communities
In compliance with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act amendments of 1989, it is the policy of Barton Community College to provide an annual notification to all students and employees, and to conduct a biennial review of the College’s Alcohol and Other Drug programs and policies. For more information, click here.
Civil Rights
The College will comply with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (P.O. 88-352) and all the requirements imposed by or pursuant to the regulations of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (45 CFR Part 181) issued pursuant to the title, to the end that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in any program or activity at the College.
More helpful information about Barton...
Barton Community College is governed by a six-member board of trustees elected from Barton County.
History of Barton - The idea to create a community college in Barton County was introduced around 1960...
Barton Community College serves students at its Great Bend Campus, Fort Riley Campus, Grandview Plaza Campus, Fort Leavenworth Campus, Barton Online and the Center for Adult Education in downtown Great Bend! Read more about each of the campuses.
Barton has a diverse student population.
Barton's service area includes the counties of Russell, Rush, Ellsworth, Pawnee, Barton, and part of Rice and Stafford. Here is a map of the Kansas Community College Service Areas.
The U.S. Department of Education - Institute of Education Sciences general information on Barton.
Barton Community College provides for a comprehensive learning environment and is committed to the success of each student. Essential to our commitment is the safety and security of our students, employees, and members of the public. To this end, standard actions have been established that will assist the college community in the even of an emergency. To view the Run-Hide-Fight protocol, click here.