There are many different types of positions here at the College and because of this, the Payroll procedure is important to each employee. Please take some time to review this procedure.
On this page you will find required documents used to make payroll happen and informational documents including pay calendars and process instructions.
Time Record
Hourly Employee Time Record | Decimal Equivalents of Minutes Chart
Follow instructions in the Employee Self-Service Information Sheet to access personal information through MyBarton Portal.
1095C Forms
In the event that you need your 1095C form, you may view/print an electronic copy by logging into the Portal, then click on Employee Dashboard, Taxes, and 1095-C Employer Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Statement.
If you would like a paper copy of your 1095C form you may contact Human Resources.
Pay Calendars
2025 Hourly Employee Calendar | 2025 Salaried Employee Calendar | FLAC Faculty Assignment Pay Dates
IRS Tax Withholding Estimator
The IRS encourages employees to use the Tax Withholding Estimator to do a quick "paycheck checkup". To access the estimator, click here.
Payment Forms & Instructions
- Human Resources Information Form Instructions - FAQ's for the Human Resources Information Form.
- Human Resources Information Form - to be completed by supervisors so that income can be received. Please contact HR before completing this form.
- Human Resources Information Form (Grant Funded Positions) - to be completed by supervisors of grant employees so that income can be received. Please contact HR before completing this form.
Student Employee/Supervision Training
TimeClock Plus
Web Leave Reporting
Web Time Entry
Required Paperwork
In order to view the documents in this site, you will need to have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have Adobe Reader, visit the Adobe website to download. Follow the directions to download the file and complete the installation. Bookmark this page on our site, so you can return to it after you install Reader.
There is required paperwork that needs to be completed prior to or on your first day of work. This paperwork is:
- Personal Data Sheet - The Personal Data Sheet captures general employee information necessary for initial data entry into the College's administrative software.
- W-4 Form
- K-4 Form
- I-9 Form Documentation - This link to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services web site provides information on the required documents to prove employment eligibility.
- Beneficiary names, addresses, birth dates and Social Security Numbers (if applicable)
- Social Security Number Verification - Whether the original card or the receipt provided by the Social Security Administration when you have recently applied for a new card showing your name and Social Security Number
- Dependent birth dates and Social Security Numbers for health insurance (full-time employees only)
- Direct Deposit - Requires the submission of a voided check or an authorization agreement for automatic deposits from your bank
- Oath Form - Signing this form must be done in the presence of a notary.
- Receipt of Barton Community College Online New Employee Guide
- Student Employee Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Staff One-Time Payment Request Form - This one-time payment form is only to be used for "ad hoc" assignments not lasting longer than one pay period and shall not be used to pay individuals already working for the College in another capacity. This form must be accompanied by a W-4 form, K-4 form, I-9 form, and an Oath form. For repeat payees, please check to see if these forms must be resubmitted.