Click on the policies below to learn more about each one.
Procedure 2200 - College Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
Procedure 2203 - Equipment Usage - Federal Awards/Sponsored Projects
Procedure 2220 - Animals in College Facilities and in College Vehicles
Because the College believes in making its facilities and other resources available to the communities it serves, the President or the President's designee is authorized to permit the use of College facilities and other resources according to adopted procedures.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2201 - Inventory, Fixed Assets, Disposition
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish procedures pertaining to inventory, fixed assets and disposition of equipment.
(Revised and approved by President on 6/1/15)
Procedure 2202 - Naming of College Buildings and Facilities
The authority to permanently name any College building and/or facility rests with the Board of Trustees.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2205 - Security Monitoring and Recording
Procedure 2206 - Video Surveillance
The President or the President's designee is authorized to maintain a video monitoring and recording system to enhance facility security and the safety of students, employees, and the community-at-large. All monitoring is confidential and for the private use of the College.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Barton Community College is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its students, employees, visitors, and contractors.
The President or the President's designee is authorized to designate the areas of the campus that tobacco use is permitted. Smoking and all other forms of tobacco use is prohibited in College buildings, facilities, and vehicles.
For the purpose of this policy, tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived or containing products, including, but not limited to, cigarettes (clove, bidis, kreteks), electronic cigarettes (vaping), cigars and cigarillos, hookah-smoked products, and oral tobacco (spit and spitless, smokeless, chew, snuff).
Tobacco use is allowed outside and at least twenty (20) feet from any building entrance.
(Revised and approved by the President on 1/26/15)
Minor revision 10/21/15
Procedure 2210 – Posters, Handbills, Solicitation and Other Activities
While the College campus and facilities are available for the use of employees, students and the public, the President or the President's designee retains and reserves the right to regulate the time and place of all activities, to regulate the placement of all materials, posters, handbills, etc. and to prohibit activities or the placement of materials which do not conform to institutional standards, would cause disruption and/or would be a danger to those who use the facilities.
Materials may be removed after their useful life has expired, and prohibited materials at any time.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2215 - Service of Alcoholic Beverages for Special Events
Under approved circumstances permissible by all federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including the Kansas Liquor Control Act, alcoholic beverages may be served at approved special events in designated locations of the Barton Community College Campus. The service of alcoholic beverages shall be in compliance with the guidelines and policy listed below.
1. In this policy, reference to alcoholic beverages shall be limited to beer or wine.
2. Under no circumstances shall any individual under the age of 21, or without proper identification, be served or be allowed to possess or consume alcoholic beverages at any time on the Barton Community College campus.
3. Under no circumstances shall General Fund Revenue, that includes Barton County taxing revenue, be allowed to fund the purchase of alcoholic beverages. Because of this stipulation, the Barton Community College Foundation (“Foundation”) shall notify the President, or the President's designee, as to whom, or what entity, will be providing the funds to purchase any alcoholic beverages.
4. The Foundation shall be the only entity authorized to serve alcoholic beverages on the Barton Community College Campus. The Foundation may, at their discretion, contract with an independent party or entity for the service of alcoholic beverages at an approved special event.
5. A Barton Community College employee shall be the only individual authorized to serve alcoholic beverages on the Barton Community College Campus at an approved special event.
6. In the event a Barton Community College employee is sponsoring a special event at which alcoholic beverages are served, then said employee, or his or her designee, shall assume responsibility to supervise said special event. In the event the Foundation is sponsoring a special event at which alcoholic beverages are served, then the Foundation shall appoint an individual who shall assume responsibility to supervise the special event.
The name of the individual who has assumed responsibility to supervise said special event shall be provided to the College President, or the President's designee. Said individual shall be in attendance for the duration of the special event to ensure that the activities of the special event are consistent with this policy, the policy of the College’s Board of Trustees, any rules and regulations related to activities on the Barton Community College Campus, and the rules of the particular facility at which the special event is held. Said individual shall not consume any alcoholic beverages for the duration of the special event.
7. Alcoholic beverages may only be served at designated Barton Community College Campus special events that are related to the legitimate functions of the College. There shall be two categories of special events at which alcoholic beverages may be served, which are:
a. A Category 1 Special Event shall be those events wherein alcoholic beverages are included in the price of the dinner or reception. Attendees to Category 1 special events shall consist of a pre-identified group of invitees, and their respective guests. No other attendees may attend a Category 1 special event, with the exception of Barton Community College employees or those individuals hired to assist with the special event, such as catering staff, Campus Safety personnel, or service personnel.
b. A Category 2 Special Event shall be those special events wherein attendees are not pre-identified, nor does there exist a specified guest list. The cost of alcoholic beverages for Category 2 special events shall be assumed by the guests in attendance, regardless of the manner in which such charges are levied.
8. Guests attending a Category 1 or Category 2 special event may not bring alcoholic beverages onto or upon Barton Community College campus or property.
9. Alcoholic beverages may be served only in the Shafer Gallery of the Barton Community College Campus. Exceptions to this designated area will require prior approval of the President, or the President's designee, and communication to the College’s Board of Trustees one month in advance of the planned special event date.
10. Written approval must be obtained from the College President, or the President's designee, prior to serving alcoholic beverages at a Category 1 or Category 2 special event. The process to obtain written approval is as follows:
a. The organizer of the Category 1 or Category 2 special event, in conjunction with the Foundation, shall submit a Barton Alcoholic Beverages Service Request Form to the College President, or the President's designee.
b. Said Request Form shall be submitted to the College President, or the President's designee, at least 6 weeks prior to the event.
11. No alcoholic beverages shall be served after midnight.
12. All alcoholic beverages which remain un-served at the conclusion of the event shall be removed from the premises immediately or as soon as practical.
13. At all special events where alcoholic beverages are served,
a. non-alcoholic beverages shall also be offered to guests.
b. some type of food shall be offered to guests.
c. an effective method of determining which guests may legally consume alcohol shall be used.
14. Sufficient security shall be available for all special events serving alcoholic beverages.
15. No alcoholic beverages may be
a. carried to areas outside of the designated area approved to serve alcohol.
b. sold, served, or consumed on Barton Community College Campus or property without submitting the Barton Alcoholic Beverages Service Request Form to the College President, or the President's designee, obtaining written approval to serve alcoholic beverages, and complying with this policy.
Note: This policy does not apply to non-college sponsored events held at Camp Aldrich.
(With Board agreement, policy is effective as per President on 11/11/13)