The Communications team can provide services and resources for various communication related items.
Please complete the Communications Request Form for coverage and services requests.
Photography – Please contact Maggie Harris at harrism@bartonccc.edu to set up an appointment.
Videography – Contact Aaron Weber for consultation at webera@bartonccc.edu
Media Backdrops – check out one of our three professional grade, fully transportable backdrops by emailing Maggie Harris at harrism@bartonccc.edu.
Event Promotion – To have a press release or social media post generated to promote your event, or to be featured on the Cougar Pause radio show, contact Maggie Harris at harrism@bartonccc.edu.
Feature Stories – If you have a feature story idea, please contact Maggie Harris at harrism@bartonccc.edu.
Paid Advertisements – To request a paid advertisement for an event or program please contact Maggie Harris at harrism@bartonccc.edu.
Website – For content changes, issues or questions, please contact Samantha Stueder at stueders@bartonccc.edu.
Logo Creation – For all graphic design inquiries, contact Connie Wagner at wagnerc@bartonccc.edu.