Welcome to the Employee Education page! In the following sections, you will find links to a variety of resources that supports staff and faculty in the pursuit of professional development. Explore below to find the right resource for you. Should you be interested in a specific topic but don't see any offering, please reach out to us. Centerstaff@bartonccc.edu.
- Calendar Permissions - review current permissions or set new ones
- Outlook Signature - add a signature to each email or edit an existing one
- Zoom Profile - select a profile picture or edit your profile name
- SharePoint - create, edit and share documents with assigned individuals
Live H5P Training - Join our H5P representative for live demonstrations followed by Q&A. Everything is free!
- Accessibility - Tuesday, March 25th @ 1:00pm CDT
See how H5P can improve outcomes for diverse learners. - Gamification - Tuesday, April 1st @ 12:00pm CDT
Learn more about live engagement tools and game maps to make learning more fun. - AI Smart Import Feature - Tuesday, April 22nd @ 12:00pm CDT >>link coming soon<<
Learn how to use AI to automatically generate content and see a live demo. - Subject Specific H5P Training - Being Rescheduled!
Covers use cases tailored primarily to Science and Mathematics courses
Introduction and Refresher for H5P - Recording of Live Session
For new users and those needing an H5P top-up. Covers basic functionality and use cases.
Time Management for the Overwhelmed $ - Multiple Dates
You'll get more done and be more valuable within your organization. You'll feel less stressed and frazzled. And, best of all, you'll be able to get to the high-priority projects you never seem to have time for. It's no secret that successful people are those who have learned to control their days — instead of letting interruptions, paper chases, and the phone control them.
Dealing with Difficult People $ - Multiple Dates
Never again fall victim to those who love to make life miserable for the rest of us. This training gives you concrete techniques for dealing with difficult people in the workplace and at home. It provides specific strategies for getting adversaries to cooperate … bullies to back off … wallflowers to open up … chronic complainers to quiet down. Knowing how to deal with difficult people at work will allow you to approach your job with more enjoyment and your coworkers with greater confidence. Cooperation, collaboration and compromise will improve — and that makes for a more productive and efficient workplace for everyone.
Email Writing for the Workplace $ - Multiple Dates
What are the best practices in email writing? Do you know what to do if your email ends up in the wrong hands? Is email always the best form of communication? What are the risks and blunders that could potentially call into question the competency and credibility of you and your organization? Attend this information packed seminar to get the answers to these questions, as well as any of your own.
Supporting Community College Faculty: A Comprehensive Approach to Adopting Generative AI FREE - Monday, March 24
Generative AI, with its potential to personalize learning and create engaging experiences, offers exciting opportunities for community college faculty to meet the diverse and varying needs of their students. This webinar showcases a comprehensive approach through several initiatives to introduce AI to faculty. First, through workshops and individual consulting, faculty learn the fundamentals and applications of generative AI, tailored to their courses. Second, a faculty learning community was established to foster peer-to-peer learning, allowing experimentation and troubleshooting together. Third, a subcommittee of faculty helped craft advocacy for syllabi language and policy development for responsible AI use in individual courses. Finally, the creation of a faculty fellow position in AI that supports faculty research and scholarship in AI-assisted assessment and pedagogical practices. Learn more about this comprehensive framework and discover how institutions can empower faculty to leverage the potential of generative AI while ensuring responsible and effective integration into the community college learning environment.
Artificial Intelligence through a Sociological Lens FREE - Tuesday, March 25
Join respected author and Professor, John Macionis, where he discusses the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence and suggests some of the likely outcomes of it, and offers an early assessment of the benefits and dangers of this new technology within a sociological lens.
Using Maps to Teach Sociology FREE - Tuesday, March 25
Learn how sociological maps can enhance sociology education by revealing geographic patterns in race, class, gender, and politics from John Macionis, celebrated author and professor.
Teaching for Tomorrow - AI Strategies for K-12 $30 - Monday, April 7th - MUST REGISTER BY March 26
The Teaching for Tomorrow: AI Strategies for K-12 symposium provides K-12 educators with an introductory experience exploring AI in education to enhance their understanding and foster connections with like-minded professionals. Learners engage in live workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities.
LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor: Protect the Integrity of Online Tests FREE - Multiple Dates Available
This session is perfect for instructors who are new to LockDown Browser and/or Respondus Monitor, or those who want a refresher on how to use these applications to ensure academic integrity during online exams. We'll also be demonstrating the latest features and enhancements.
Respondus 4 and the Test Bank Network: Quickly Create Online Exams FREE - Multiple Dates Available
Learn how Respondus 4 allows you to create or convert exams that can be published directly to your learning management system, and how the Respondus Test Bank Network can be used to generate online tests from official publisher test banks.
How to Supervise Bad Attitudes and Negative Behavior $ - Multiple Dates Available
This dynamic seminar gives you answers to your toughest questions, quickly and clearly. You'll learn the smart methods to help you get control over the problem people who plague your workplace … without the resentment and anger some outdated approaches can generate. Best of all, you'll discover how to tailor an individual approach for each employee's unique situation — a custom strategy that greatly increases your chances of success.
Early Childhood Mental Health and Digital Media FREE - On Demand
How does digital media use affect early child development and mental health? How should care providers approach technology use in order to protect and promote mental health in young children?
Managing Emotions Under Pressure $ - Multiple Dates
Gain the ability to control how emotions manifest instead of allowing the emotions to take center stage and dictate behavior. Proven techniques promise to increase self-awareness and provide tools to handle emotions positively. Broken into three sections, this seminar will focus on understanding emotions, dealing with strong emotions and how to communicate through emotions. The stress-management system taught in this seminar is simple — and proven. Let it help you live a happier, more productive and less stressful personal and professional life.
Safe Zone: Children and Online Safety FREE - On Demand
What can parents and caregivers do to equip youth with the skills and protections needed to keep themselves safe online?
How to Become a Great Communicator $ - Multiple Dates
Communication skills are crucial for career success. It's not always technical expertise, superior knowledge, or even heightened intelligence that makes people effective in their roles. It's often their exceptional skill in handling difficult people and charged situations. Master the communication skills necessary to propel your career, boost your productivity and ensure quality job satisfaction.
Driven to Distraction: Media Use, Attention and Cognition FREE - On Demand
How do hours spent daily on digital media affect children’s attention spans, multitasking skills, and cognitive functions? How are digital platforms affecting how youth interact with the real world?
Age-Appropriate Conversations with Youth about Media Use FREE - On Demand
Lisa Linder, PhD (Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Professor of Child and Family Development, San Diego State University) demonstrates how to talk with children in developmentally-appropriate ways about their digital media use at the #AskTheExperts webinar “Early Childhood Mental Health and Digital Media”.
AI in Oz: “The Yellow Brick Road” FREE - Friday, April 25 MUST REGISTER BY 4/18/25
Gain practical insights, engage in critical discussions, and discover how AI can enhance education while preserving academic integrity. Whether you’re an AI enthusiast or a skeptic, this conference will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to navigate AI’s impact on higher education.
The Power of Esports: Building an Esports Program at Your College FREE - Monday April 7
Identify the basic elements of the esports industry, including the esports ecosystem, popular esports titles, and the growing interest among students. Evaluate ways to build an academic program connected to esports. Identify opportunities for collaboration with other institutions, esports organizations, and industry leaders.
Teaching for Tomorrow - AI Strategies for K-12 $30 - Monday, April 7th - MUST REGISTER BY March 26
The Teaching for Tomorrow: AI Strategies for K-12 symposium provides K-12 educators with an introductory experience exploring AI in education to enhance their understanding and foster connections with like-minded professionals. Learners engage in live workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities.
Teaching evolution: Promoting students’ conceptual understanding of evolutionary biology FREE - Tuesday, April 1
Learn how college students understand the concept of evolution. Dr. Jeremy Hsu highlights recent research and provides practical advice for enhancing evolutionary biology instruction.
Promoting Psychological Safety in the Classroom FREE - Tuesday, April 10
Join Pearson author Noland White to learn how to foster a psychologically safe learning environment that encourages academic risk-taking and uses formative assessments to promote metacognition.
Dementia Workshop offered by K-State Research and Extension Office - Wed. April 9th and Thurs. April 10th 6pm-8pm
Both presentation will be offered in person and over Zoom. Both will be recorded. To register, contact the Cottonwood Extension Office at 785-628-9430
SUPPORTING Minds, SUPPORTING Learners: Addressing Student Mental Health to Advance Academic Success FREE - Thursday, April 24
Mental health symptoms among college students have been rising dramatically for the past decade. These symptoms cause distress in all aspects of students’ lives and impact their ability to focus on academic work, increasing the likelihood of negative outcomes and withdrawing from school. In this session, participants gain insight about students’ experiences with mental health in college, reflect on the extent to which institutions are positioned to respond to students’ mental health needs, and identify strategies to improve student support.
Strategies for active learning in Intermediate Macroeconomics FREE - Thursday, April 24
Uncover strategies for increasing student engagement in Intermediate Macroeconomics with modular content, current news, and interactive simulations from Dr. Pierre Yared and Dr. Nicolas Vincent.
Executive Function and Task Completion FREE - On Demand
Taína Coleman, MA, MEd (Education Specialist, Learning and Development Center, Child Mind Institute), discusses the skillsets that make up executive functioning and how many of today’s teens and tweens (particularly youth with ADHD) struggle to use these skills to complete tasks at the #AskTheExperts webinar “Driven to Distraction: Media Use, Attention, and Cognition”.
Executive Dysfunction in Higher Education: How to Help Neurospicy Students in College FREE - Thursday, May 8
Lately, executive function skills feel like they are in short supply in the students we serve. This webinar focuses on providing faculty and staff with tips and strategies that support students with executive dysfunction concerns, especially those who are neurodiverse (i.e., neurospicy). Learn concepts that not only benefit students, but also help educators feel more in control of their own executive functioning in the classroom and beyond.
Advanced Clinical Skills in Telemental Health AEP 101 A & B $ - May 12th and June 30th
Advanced Clinical Skills in Telemental Health is designed for licensed counselors, therapists, and other mental health professionals seeking to deepen their telehealth expertise. This training covers advanced therapeutic techniques, strategies for engaging clients in a virtual environment, and specialized skills for handling crises, maintaining client confidentiality, and promoting client-centered care. Participants will learn how to effectively apply techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Motivational Interviewing (MI) in a telehealth context, with a focus on ethical and practical considerations.
Demystifying Assistive Technology FREE - Monday, June 16
CEUs available. Assistive technology (AT) has long aided students with learning disabilities. Evidence suggests these tools offer significant benefits to a broader spectrum of learners. Learn about AT tools that are free and low-cost. Tailor different AT tools to specific student needs. Integrate AT into lesson plans without imposing additional burdens on yourself.
You Can’t Outsource Sense-Making: High Impact Approaches to College Reading FREE - Thursday, July 24
CEUs available. In a rapidly evolving world of digital media and generative AI, how can college educators help students make sense of complex texts and navigate an overwhelming information landscape as thoughtful, empowered citizens? This webinar shares insights from Breakthroughs in College Reading: The Promises and Tensions of Disciplinary Reading Apprenticeships, highlighting the transformative impact of a long-term, cross-disciplinary community of practice that enhances both educator and student learning through a focus on disciplinary literacy. Whether you teach in the humanities, social sciences, or STEM, this webinar offers practical tools and innovative approaches to help students become independent, critical readers who confidently navigate complex information. Faculty leave with actionable strategies to foster deeper learning and greater student agency in their classrooms.
Fall 2024
Recording - Handout 1 - Handout 2 | Artificial Intelligence - Integrity Council Sub-Team
Recording | Let's Talk YuJu - Diana Hernandez, YuJu Representative
Recording | College Updates
Recording - Handout | Generations in the Workplace - Dr. Rachel Dolecheck, DBA
Recording - Handout | TALEs from the Data Side: How to Make Course Assessment Data Work for You - Kurt Konda
Recording | OER Sharing a New Perspective - Lee Miller
Recording | All Faculty Meeting
Recording | H5P Smart Import
Recording | Have you met... Linn Hogg - VIA & RSVP Director, Ray Kruse – Project Director of EOC, Melissa Feist – Coordinator of Adult Education
January 2024
Student Authenticity: Best Practices– Claudia Mather and Curtis Rose
Essential Skills: The Why, What and Where – Janet Balk, Deanna Heier, Nolan Esfeld
August 2023
Long Live CATS | Handout – Kurt Konda
Managing Stress and Burnout | Handout – Dr. Rose Helens-Hart
First Impressions Matter | Handout – Dr. Stacey Smith
College Updates
Balancing Work and Life – Lindsey Bogner, Elaine Simmons
Artificial Intelligence – Academic Integrity Council
Francis Financial Services – Leslie Francis Klug, John Francis
All Faculty Meeting
Have you met... – Terri Mebane, Erika Jenkins-Moss, Janet Balk, Abby Kujath, Megan Chambers, Kurt Teal
January 2023
What even IS a Foundation and what can you do with it? – Lindsey Bogner
Cyber Hygiene – Jose Palacios
Practical Strategies for Course Building – Blair Stamper
Visit the Library – Darren Ivey
Power BI and Data – Jose Palacios
Concourse with Lab | Power Point | PP as PDF – Brian Howe and Ange Davied
Have you met…
Baudilio Hernandez - Hispanic Engagement & Recruitment Office Director
Rita Thurber - Student Support Services Project Director
Jacquelyn Maser - Counselor
Nolan Esfeld - Director of Student Academic Development
Patrick Busch - CKUB Project Director
Eric Smith - CKUB Academic Coordinator
Kelsey Hall - BCUB Project Director
Rebecca Kratzer - BCUB Academic Coordinator
August 2022
College Updates
All Faculty Meeting (Entire Group)
Student Success Alliance - Stephanie Joiner and the Student Success Alliance
So You're Coming to the Curriculum Committee...– Brian Howe
Meet the Coaches – Trevor Rolfs and Staff
Workplace Collaboration and Relationships
August 2021
Essential Skills with Deanna Heier, Lindsay Holmes, Stephanie Joiner - Recording
Conducting and Documenting Course Assessment with Kurt Konda Recording
Brandin’ with Brandon with Brandon Steinert - Recording
Cougar Recruiting 101 with Maggie Harris - Recording
Course Binder Project with Jo Harrington - Recording
Canvas Tutorial-Course Outcomes with Jo Harrington - Recording
Academic Integrity Panel with Janet Balk, Karly Little, Kathy Boeger, Deanna Heier Recording
Write so Students Understand You with Karly Little - Recording | Presentation
Get (the right) Stuff Done! with Brandon Steinert - Recording
Self-Awareness and Empathy on Campus with Christian Dashiell | Recording
Communication is Key with Dani Kultgen - Recording
Open Pedagogy with Lee Miller - Recording
Leading Barton through a Crisis with Claudia Mather - Recording
The Golden Rule - Recording
Team Building through Communication with Claudia Mather - Recording
Psychological First Aid: Recovering From Crisis with Jakki Maser - Recording | Handout | Handout
Course Level Assessment with Kurt Konda - Recording | Handout
OER: Low Cost or No Cost with Lee Miller - Recording | Handout | Handout | Handout | Handout
Academic Integrity with Stephanie Joiner - Recording | Handout | Handout
Reflective Leadership with Claudia Mather - Recording | Handout
Concourse with Ange Davied - Recording
LICC Submission Process with Brian Howe - Recording
- Stephanie Joiner Faculty Council 3rd Wednesday - Recording
- Lindsey Bogner Faculty Council 3rd Wednesday - Recording
- Turnitin Faculty Council 3rd Wednesday - Recording
- Improve Metacognitive Equity: Teach Students How to Learn - Recording | PowerPoint
- The Use of Symbiotic Intelligence (SYM-Q) to Create Intercultural Effectiveness - Recording
- The Community in Your Classroom - Recording
- Addressing Less Women in IT, Early: A Middle School Coding Camp to Make Friends and Learn! - Recording
- Teaching Edge: What We’ve Learned From Creating Large Online Courses for Phi Theta Kappa Members - Recording
- Smart Education Solutions: Improve Student Engagement in an Online Environment - Recording
- Don’t Throw in the Towel: Academic Integrity and the Online Course - Recording
- The Virtual D.I.N.E.R.: Mixing It Up - Recording | PowerPoint
- Practical Tips for Effective Online Teaching - Recording
- The Neuroscience of Trust – Does Your Communication Inspire Trust and Commitment from Others?” - Recording
- 5 Ways Faculty Can Use Online Resources To Improve College Knowledge & Close Skill Gaps
- 10 Skills For Online Learning Success: Practical Tips For Time Management, Communication & Self-Motivation
- Strategies to Improve Retention
- Setting the Stage for Engaged Learning
- Speaking Up: How to be an Effective Ally in the Workplace
- How much time do you spend reading and responding to emails every day?
- 6 Tips To Help First-Year Students Successfully Transition To College
- Flipped Classroom
- Increasing Interaction and Engagement
- Facilitating Synchronous Sessions
- Self-Awareness and Empathy on a Diverse Campus - Christian Dashiell
- Best Way to Stop Cheating in Online Courses? ‘Teach Better’
At the College’s discretion, mandatory training may be required for its new and existing employees (including student employees) as a condition of their employment. The training may focus on employee or institutional-related issues which may include, but shall not be limited to, Blood borne Pathogens, Substance Abuse and the Drug Free Workplace, Cyber Security, Advisement and Title IX. Participation is required for all mandatory employee training, at the recommendation of their supervisor(s) or the College and is to be completed within a specified amount of time depending on hire date and position. The College will provide employees with work release time, allowing them to participate in the mandatory training during their normal work schedule.
The scheduled time frame for each mandatory course to take place can be viewed here. Additional information on each of the mandatory training courses is provided below.
- Americans with Disabilities Act/ADA Amendments for Higher Education will help managers identify the situations where the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act and other legislation that affects employers' responsibilities in these areas, come into play so they can respond appropriately to specific requests.
- Bloodborne Pathogens provides information to minimize the health risks to workers exposed to blood and other potentially infectious materials. You will learn about specific pathogens, exposure control, vaccines, sharps, and post-incident clean-up. Departments and employees with occupational exposure to human blood are encouraged to establish a Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan. It is recommended that students with occupational exposure follow the guidelines for Evaluation and Follow-up. Below is a list of forms to assist with the consent, reporting, testing, etc. for incidents relating to Bloodborne Pathogens.
- Cyber Security takes you on a tour of the threat landscape and shows you the most common ways bad guys try to trick you. Three real-world scenarios show you strategies and techniques hackers use to take control of your computer system. You’ll learn about the seven areas of an email that can contain red flags that alert you to a possible attack. The Danger Zone exercise will let you apply what you’ve learned by helping a typical computer user steer clear of six real-world social engineering attacks.
- Run, Hide, Fight training and the support of multiple departments, we have many people involved in keeping this campus safe and secure; however, a truly safe campus can only be achieved with the cooperation of all students, faculty, staff and visitors.
- Substance Abuse and the Drug Free Workplace provides employees and supervisors with an understanding of the benefits of a substance-free work environment, to help them understand the impact substances have in the workplace and recognize signs of employee substance abuse.
- Title IX encompasses many forms of sex-based discrimination in which no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
- Workplace Harassment Prevention will provide an overview of the types of behaviors that can give rise to harassment claims, including those based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age and disability. It will also discuss the benefits of and strategies for promoting a respectful work environment that is free of all forms of harassment, intimidation and discrimination.
Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Incident Determination
Consent for Blood Testing and Release of Medical Records
Declination of Blood Testing
Exposure Incident Report
Healthcare Professional's Written Opinion for Post-Exposure Evaluation & Follow-up
Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination Form
Hepatitis B Vaccination Record
Instructions for the Evaluating Physician Phlebotomy student drawing blood from a practice volunteer