Fall trees by campus sidewalks

Institutional Effectiveness

Welcome to the Institutional Effectiveness internal website. In serving our internal customers, we strive to provide access to analytical tools and reporting software to allow employees to be actively involved in turning data into decision-support, collaboration, and student success information. We have the following sections to better serve your needs:

Meet the Institutional Research and Effectiveness team

For additional information or questions, please reach out to us at IE@bartonccc.edu (link sends email) or contact us directly.


Lora Zink
Institutional Effectiveness
(620) 792-9303
zinkl@bartonccc.edu (link sends email) 

Angel Morgan
Data Assurance Specialist
(620) 792-9386
morgana@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)

Jose Palacios
Institutional Research
palaciosj@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)


Jeff Mills              
Chief Institutional Research
millsj@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)


Todd Mobray
Director of Institutional
(620) 792-9245
mobrayt@bartonccc.edu (link sends email)