Click on the policies below to learn more about each one.
Procedure 2400 - Flexible Benefit Plan
Procedure 2401 - Health, Dental, and Life Insurance
Procedure 2402 - Optional Benefits
The President or the President's designee is authorized to provide employees with the opportunity to participate in a variety of benefit plans including by not limited to: Flexible Benefit, health/dental, and life insurance.
(Approved by the President on 10/8/07)
The President or the President's designee shall develop procedures for implementing the provisions required by the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS).
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2410 - Bloodborne Pathogens
The President or the President's designee shall implement an exposure control plan as required by the Kansas Department of Human Resources and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment for the safe handling of bloodborne pathogens.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
It is the intent of the College to comply with all applicable provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) through established Office of Human Resources departmental policies and procedures.
Any individual requiring information relative to HIPPA or who feels that their rights have been violated under this act should contact the Director of Human Resources, who serves as the College's official Privacy Official for HIPPA.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2415 - Accrual Chart for Vacation, Sick, and Personal Leave Benefits
Procedure 2416 - General Leave Requirements and Information
Procedure 2417 - Clarification of Medical Related Leaves
Procedure 2418 - Bereavement Leave
Procedure 2419 - Catastrophic Illness Leave of Absence
Procedure 2420 - Donated Leave Program
Procedure 2421 - Family and Medical Leave
Procedure 2421A - FMLA Leave for Military Service Members' Families
Procedure 2422 - General Leave of Absence
Procedure 2423 - Military Leave
Procedure 2424 - Personal Leave
Procedure 2425 - Personal Sick Leave
Procedure 2426 - Sabbatical Leave
Procedure 2427 - Vacation Leave
Procedure 2428 - Holidays and Breaks
Procedure 2429 - Jury Duty
The President or the President's designee is authorized to grant leave according to established procedure.
(Approved by President on 11/6/06)
Procedure 2430 - Early Retirement Benefits
The President or the President's designee is authorized to develop, implement, and monitor an early retirement program.
(Approved by President on 5/16/07)
Procedure 2435 - Barton Distinguished Instructor Awards
Procedure 2436 - Employee Service Recognition Award
Procedure 2437 - Retirement Recognition
The President or the President's designee is authorized to provide for employee recognition through established procedure.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2440 - Course Work Grants
The President or the President's designee is authorized to provide for employee tuition assistance through established procedure.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2445 - Personnel Files
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish procedures for the confidentiality and protection of employee records and the release of information.
(Approved by President on 4/24/07)
Procedure 2450 - Employee Conduct and Discipline
Procedure 2451 - Ethical Behavior
Procedure 2453 - Whistleblower
Procedure 2454 - Professional Dress
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish employee conduct and discipline procedures.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2452 - Problem Resolution (Employees)
The President or the President's designee is authorized to institute a problem resolution procedure to address employee concerns with a condition of employment or when the employee feels a decision affecting him/her is unjust or inequitable, excluding disciplinary actions taken against an employee.
Employees in disagreement with a proposed college policy, procedure or action are encouraged to express their opinion through candid, professional discussions with the appropriate college personnel and in so doing, will not be construed as being disrespectful or disloyal to the College.
(Revised and approved by President on 2/23/09)
Procedure 2455 - Enrollment of New Employees - Oath
Procedure 2456 - Immigration Law Compliance
Procedure 2457 - Personnel Data Changes
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish procedures for the collection and maintenance of required (mandated either by law or the College) employee paperwork.
(Approved by President on 10/8/07)
The President or the President's designee may appoint standing or ad hoc committees, councils, task forces and/or teams, prescribe their functions, and establish terms of services of members. All personnel of the College may be asked to serve on one or more committees, councils, task forces and/or teams during the academic year.
(Approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2458 - Professional Development
Procedure 2459 - Hazardous Materials
The President or the President's designee is authorized to mandate training for new and existing employees.
(Approved by President on 10/8/07)
The authority to create or fill a new vice presidential level position rests with the Board of Trustees.
The President or the President's designee shall authorize the creation of all new full-time and regular part-time employment positions. The President or the President's designee has the responsibility of approving faculty and staff selections for non-temporary budgeted positions. Once a selection has been made, the President or his/her designee will present the candidate's name to the Board of Trustees to seek approval of the appointment if the candidate is not already a College employee working in a regular full-time or regular part-time position.
Part-time temporary employees may be hired by the appropriate work unit supervisor and do not require Board of Trustees approval.
All employment is coordinated through the Office of Human Resources.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
10/28/19 (minor revision)
Procedure 2465 - Faculty Employment Qualifications
Procedure 2468 - Faculty Employment
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish procedures for position requirements including, but not limited to: education, certification and experience; and knowledge, skills, and personal qualifications.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
College policies and procedures are not intended to create an employment contract. Polices and procedures should not be construed to constitute contractual obligations of any kind between the College and any employee. These policies and procedures have been developed at the discretion of the College and may be amended or cancelled at any time and at the sole discretion of the College.
Kansas is an employment-at-will state and the College operates as an employment-at-will institution. No continuing employment rights or property rights in positions of employment are granted to College employees other than as specified by state statute or the contracts of contractual employees. Thus the College, at its total discretion, may terminate the employment of (non-contractual) "at will employees" for any reason whatsoever, with or without cause. Contractual employees may separate from employment in accordance with their contracts, College policies, and/or any applicable Kansas Statutes.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
An employee may not work directly for or supervise a relative, or a person with whom they are in a "dating" relationship. A relative is defined as any person who is related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship is similar to that of a relative. A "dating" relationship is defined as a relationship that might reasonably be expected to lead to a consensual "romantic" or sexual relationship.
The College reserves the right to take action if an actual or possible conflict arises which involves employees who are relatives or who are in a "dating" relationship, even though they do not report to each other, including reassignment or termination of employment.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2470 - Intellectual Property
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish procedures pertaining to intellectual property.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2475 - Political Activities of Employees
Procedure 2477 - Volunteer Activities
Procedure 2478 - Mentor Kansas: State Employee Mentoring Program
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish procedures pertaining to the political and volunteer activities of College employees.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2480 - Regular Staff Evaluation Process
Procedure 2481 - Faculty Evaluation Process
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish procedures for employee performance evaluations (mandated either by law or the College).
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)
Procedure 2460 - Hiring Guidelines for Regular (Non-temporary) Faculty and Staff
- Quick Checklist When Refilling Regular Positions
Procedure 2461 - Hiring Guidelines for Adjunct Faculty
- Quick Checklist When Refilling Adjunct Faculty Positions
Procedure 2461A - Hiring Guidelines for Hourly Staff (Temporary) Positions
- Quick Checklist When Refilling Hourly Staff (Temporary) Positions
Procedure 2461B-Quick Rehire (Adjunct Faculty and Part-time Hourly Staff (Temp) Positions)
Procedure 2462 - Student Employees/Supervision
- Quick Checklist When Refilling Student Employment Positions
Procedure 2462A - Quick Rehire of Student Employees
Procedure 2463 - Changes in Job Description/Title
Procedure 2464 - Unsolicited Application Materials
Procedure 2476 - Presence of Children, Other Family Members, or Friends in the Workplace
Procedure 2485 - Separation from Employment for Regular Faculty and Staff Positions
Procedure 2486 - Employment Reference Checks
Procedure 2492 - Telecommuting Guidelines
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish employment/separation guidelines.
(Revised and approved by President on 4/24/07)
Procedure 2490 - Payroll
Procedure 2491 - Office Hours
Procedure 2493 - College Issued Cell Phone/Internet Card
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish payroll procedures and definitions including but not limited to: workdays and workweek; payday and payroll periods; time sheets; payroll classifications; withholding; payroll computations; rest periods; holiday and closure pay; makeup time; attendance; non-exempt employee travel; leave proration; and wage garnishments.
(Revised and approved by President on 2-19-07)
Procedure 2466 - Adjunct Faculty Compensation
Procedure 2467 - Compensation (Personnel paid with Federal Funds)
The President or the President's designee is authorized to establish Administrative, Faculty, Exempt, and Non-Exempt employee pay schedules, as well as Faculty load parameters.
(Approved by President on 10/8/07)
Each individual shall be responsible for the safekeeping of any personal articles which are brought to campus. Should an employee experience a loss of, or damage to, such personal property, the employee should contact the Campus Safety Department as soon as possible to report the loss. The College is not responsible for personal items that are lost, damaged, or stolen, unless the College agrees to the responsibility in writing.
(Revised and approved by President on 10/8/07)