How to Make a Data Request
Submit an IRE Data Request Form (preferred method)
*Alternate method - Email your requests to IE@bartonccc.edu - If you choose this method, please be sure to include the following details:
- The date your request is needed by, type of request, titles of reports, purpose of request and specific details.
Methods to avoid:
- Making your initial request via phone.
- Include your request as part of an existing email thread or previous request. Those are first to get lost in the shuffle.
- Vague or general requests with little detail on the desired data.
- Provide specific details; use Data Request Form for more complicated report requests.
- Allow enough time for your request to be completed.
- Be sure to request the correct terms.
- Asking multiple people for the same request, will not get your data faster.
- Data labels should not be changed to fit a different narrative than requested.
- IE provides data from Banner; we do not enter or edit Banner data.
- IE does not create or complete reports.
- Request support in reviewing and interpretation of results.