2024-2025 Faculty Council
Chair Kara Brauer
Vice-Chair Matt Connell
Secretary TBD
Great Bend Representatives
Kara Brauer (brauerk@bartonccc.edu)
Eric Foley (foleye@bartonccc.edu)
Eric Smith (smithe@bartonccc.edu)
Peter Solie (soliep@bartonccc.edu)
Brandon Steinert (steinertb@bartonccc.edu)
Troop School/OSHA Representatives
Chris Vanderlinde (vanderlindec@bartoncc.edu)
Barton Online Representatives
Matt Connell (connellm@bartonccc.edu)
Emily Cowles (cowlese@bartonccc.edu)
Sheyene Foster Heller (hellers@bartonccc.edu)
Jason Murray (murrayj@bartonccc.edu)
Darlene Sabio (sabiod@bartonccc.edu)
2023-2024 Goals and Projects
- Communicate with the faculty we represent in a purposeful way on a regular basis
- Review and assess proposed policies
- Facilitate faculty understanding and participation in the Barton Strategic Plan
- Re-evaluate the role of Faculty Council in Faculty Professional Development and the 3rd Wednesday Professional Development Series
- Promote responsible academic freedom
- Each Faculty Council member will participate in at least one college committee and/or college initiative